Success StoryNew Way to Present Extension Classes
New Way to Present Extension Classes
Author: Laura Rogers
Planning Unit: Whitley County CES
Major Program: Beekeeping
Plan of Work: Livestock Production
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In March of 2020, COVID-19 occurred within the Kentucky communities, resulting in many people losing their jobs and businesses shutting down.
The Russell County Extension Office realized there could be no in-person meetings. Therefore, to reach their clients and address their needs. Kentucky State University area Extension agent working with University of Kentucky staff and agents to address the urgent pandemic need for training for beekeepers through meetings via the internet and over the phone through the program Zoom virtual classroom and by newsletters.
There were 12 virtual meetings of beekeeping held, reaching 32 clients. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, "It's springtime; what do I do for the honeybees?", "Diseases and pest of honeybees," and "This Hornet is Hugh!! What is it? A Giant Asian Hornet?"
During this time of isolation, one beekeeper stated that having a class by zoom made him feel like he had not lost contact with everyone and did not feel left alone.
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