Success Story2022 SKCTC Summer Day Camp
2022 SKCTC Summer Day Camp
Author: Brian Good
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Bell County Cooperative Extension agents recently participated in Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College Middlesboro Campus summer day camps. The Bell County Food and Consumer Science and 4-H Youth Development agents partnered to provide programming to 58 youth. The programs consisted of creating a windowsill garden kit, making their own butter from whipping cream and making homemade freezer jam. The youth created their own garden kits by planting seeds into peat moss. They will take those home and transplant them outside once the tomato plants begin to grow. They then made their own butter by shaking whipping cream poured into jars until in it turned to butter. They were able to compare and contrast the differences between the substances and the beginning of the project, and the end. With freezer jam, they crushed fresh strawberries and created their own jam. All three of these activities provided the students with life skills in turning one edible substance into another. The director of the summer day camp stated, “These kids had so much fun! You were able to teach a valuable life skill and make it fun at the same time.”
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