Success Story4-H Teen Leadership Academy: Hancock-Ohio-Henderson-Union-Webster Counties
4-H Teen Leadership Academy: Hancock-Ohio-Henderson-Union-Webster Counties
Author: Gary Druin
Planning Unit: Ohio County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Kentucky 4-H is grounded in Positive Youth Development. One important focus is working with, high school student to develop and guide them in a variety of settings to help them develop their leadership and life skills and then providing opportunities for them to lead. For this reason UK Cooperative Extension 4-H programs from Hancock, Webster, Union, Ohio, and Henderson Counties partnered to provide a 4-H Teen Leadership Academy (TLA) for 8th-11th grade members. The Academy met monthly throughout the school year in various locations and counties and focused on developing leadership, social, communication, and life skills.
The outcomes of the Academy were:
*Practice leadership skills.
*Understand importance of civic engagement and participate in projects.
*Develop confidence in their leadership potential and their own sense of identity.
*Improve their self-esteem.
*Enhance their communication skill in sharing, reflecting and discussion.
*Understand the importance of diversity and improve their ability to relate to others.
*Learn effective decision-making methods and experience problem-solving situations.
*Learn group social skills.
Over a three-year period, over 60 multi-county youth have graduated TLA and have put their skills to use back in their home counties. Since the inception of the TLA program, graduates have been awarded 10 bronze, 6 silver and 5 gold medals at the state 4-H level. Graduates have included 2 State 4-H Teen Council delegates, a 4-H shooting Sports Ambassador and a 4-H Healthy Living Leadership board member. 4 TLA graduates are attending 2022 4-H Teen Conference for the first time.
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