Success StoryTeen Cuisine to the Rescue
Teen Cuisine to the Rescue
Author: Judy McGuire
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
While talking with a local educator/basketball coach at a local elementary school he was very concerned about the nutritional habits of his sixth grade class. Because he was so involved in health and exercise himself he would question the kids on what they had eaten before coming to school or practice each day. Some of the most popular answers would be soda, chips, pizza, hot dogs, burgers and etc..
He invited me to his classroom to discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise to the growing body. I chose to use the Teen Cuisine Curriculum to demonstrate how eating healthy is not only essential but learning to cook your own food and snacks can be fun. There were twenty two students in the class. They were excited to learn the art of cooking, using a micro wave and getting to make healthy snacks in the classroom. Their favorite activity was making the Banana Berry Smoothie. A large number of the students would take the recipe home and teach their brothers and sisters how to make them. Sixteen of the twenty two students reported that they would be using the Teen Cuisine recipes quite often.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment