Success StoryYouth Beef Show at KY State Fair
Youth Beef Show at KY State Fair
Author: Andy Mills
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Improved Management Practices, Animal Science, Grain & Forage Crops
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
For 30 years this ANR agent has been working the state fair youth beef show as the superintendent for the last 17. For many youths, showing at the state fair marks the end of their beef project. One intent of the youth beef project is to encourage youth to produce cattle in their adult lives. Therefore, to help foster this desire, the experiences the youth have during their project need to be real but also, hopefully, positive. As the superintendent of the show, this ANR agent can try to make sure this ending finale of their project is as positive as possible.
Fifteen CES agents and ag teachers help approximately 150 youth house and show approximately 350 head of cattle over a four-day period. It is the job of the superintendent to help plan the logistics of shows, set up stalling assignments, make sure other workers know their assignments, divide classes for shows, inventory and pass out awards help decide ten months prior on rules and housing changes, set up and create a check in procedure, handle all complaints and concerns, enforce the rules and guidelines, and most importantly hep participants and workers have a pleasant experience. This ANR agent wants to continue educating beef producers with research-based information from the University of Kentucky. Therefore, the ANR agent knows he is trying to help and encourage future clientele.
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