Author: Marion Simon
Planning Unit: Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs
Major Program: Equine
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Jessica and Todd Slusher of Three Hill Farm first attended Third
Thursday in 2017, they also began attending the Small Farm
Conferences. They implemented numerous NRCS EQIP projects,
received a Small-Scale Farm Grant, received numerous assistance from
the Franklin County Extension, hosted pre-and post-pandemic programs
for youth, including an African American youth group from Tennessee.
They have developed waterways, fenced off highly erodible areas,
developed a roadside organic vegetable and egg market, produce goats,
and are working with the local Chamber of Commerce to develop an
equine tourism program that will include a bed-and-breakfast on their
farm, plus trailriding, and riding lessons. The farm has gone from a totally
run down house and barn, to a renovated house and barn, plus fencing,
and other structures. They credit their work with KSU for their success
and encouragement.