Success StoryExtension Helps Hay Grower Double his Production

Extension Helps Hay Grower Double his Production

Author: Nicole Rhein

Planning Unit: Marshall County CES

Major Program: Forages

Plan of Work: Agriculture Advancement

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

In 2019, a long time farmer and hay producer, Billy Driskoll, reached out to Nikki Rhein, Marshall County's Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, for recommendations concerning his bermudagrass hay fields. Over the next two years Nikki arranged for Billy to meet with University Specialists in a private meetings, she made many field scouting visits, and provided him with recommendations for fungicides, herbicides, fertilizer products/rates, and application techniques.  

Today in 2022, approximately three years later, Billy reached out to Nikki and said, "oh your recommendations helped me increase my production greatly. I went from making 40-50 bales per acre to making 80 bales acre." Nikki looks forward to working with more bermudagrass hay producers, as this crop becomes increasingly more appealing to farmers in the area.

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