Success StoryFloyd County Family & Consumer Sciences and Community Fights Drug and Alcohol Use in the Teen Community
Floyd County Family & Consumer Sciences and Community Fights Drug and Alcohol Use in the Teen Community
Author: Andrea Slone
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Plan of Work: Proactive Health and Wellbeing for all
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Floyd County Cooperative Extension Service implementedTruth & Consequences: The Choice is Yours, a scenario based role-playactivity designed to help students learn more about the physical, legal,financial, and emotional consequences of substance abuse, for 114 Prestonsburg HighSchool students. 37 community partners and adult volunteers participated in theevent as well. Community partner evaluation data indicates that 75% stronglyagreed that substance abuse by youth is a problem in the community; 83%indicated that it is easy for youth to get drugs in the community; and 42%agreed or strongly agreed that one reason why alcohol and drug use occurs inour community is that there are not enough activities for youth.
Student evaluation results revealed the following: 20% offreshman indicated that it was slightly or not wrong at all for someone theirage to participate in one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage; 38% alsoindicated that there was slight or no risk in people harming themselvesphysically or in other ways if they participate in one or two drinks of analcoholic beverage; and 20% indicated slight or no risk in harm associated withmarijuana use.
Student evaluation results also revealed that 96% ofstudents developed a better understanding of the legal and health risksassociated consequences of substance abuse; 92% developed a betterunderstanding of the health and financial consequences of substance abuse; and96% would be able to access help in the community is they had a substance useissue.
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