Success StoryAmerican Kestrel Project
American Kestrel Project
Author: Lacey Kessell
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Environmental Awareness, Improvements and Education
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The American Kestrel used to be a common sight perched on power lines and fence post along roads and open fields. With each year, less and less of these small falcons are being observed across the country. Since the 60’s their populations are declining by an average of 1% annually across the country (over a 50% population decline since 1966). Although there is speculation among scientist and wildlife biologist as to the reason of this decline, without a more widespread data collection it is impossible to come to a definite conclusion.
In order to address the problem of lack of data on the American Kestrel across the country, a nationwide citizen science initiative was created called the American Kestrel Partnership was developed. Unfortunately, the state of Kentucky had zero participation in this project. In an effort to change this, Boone County Extension offered an American Kestrel Project program in late winter of 2020.
The program taught life histories, current problems facing the American Kestrel, how the community could help, and how to build kestrel boxes. Due to the hands-on nature of the program, it was originally limited to 10 participants, but 26 attended the program. Due to lack of supplies, only 11 participants were able to build a kestrel nesting box to take home (the 11 people who registered for the program).
In 2022, we are happy to report that one of those who participated has been sending updates to Boone County Extension on the success of their nesting box and reported sending scientific data directly to American Kestrel Partnership (
One of the participants donated their nesting box to the Boone County Environmental and Nature Center. The Nature Center happily reports that it also has a nesting pair of American Kestrels utilizing the box.
Picture taken by M. Greba
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