Success StoryWolfe County Movement Challenge
Wolfe County Movement Challenge
Author: Jessica Morris
Planning Unit: Wolfe County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Active Living & Health Promotions
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Wolfe County ranks amongst the highest for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Members of our community expressed interest in a group to encourage and hold each other accountable. Here at the Wolfe County Extension Office we created a group called the Wolfe County Movement Challenge. The challenge began in January of 2021. Members joined the group and their first goal was to complete 5 miles. They could choose to walk, run, hike or bike... any way or a combination there of to complete the mileage goal. Each month the goal increased by 5. The final challenge goal was 60 miles in the month of December. Each month community members could opt in. We had 30 participants complete each months goal and those individuals completed the end of the year survey. We are pleased to report the following from participants:
-100% of participants indicated that participated in this challenge motivated them to be physically active
-9749.37 miles completed as a group for the year
When asked what their greatest benefit from participating in this program they indicated (show below are the common themes, to try to keep down on duplication):
-Moving more and getting my family involved
-Being part of a community effort to be more active
-Getting exercise with my kids at the local park
-I lost a lot of my pre-pregnancy weight and it held me accountable
-More energy
-My endurance increased
-Getting outside and being active
-A sense of community and not doing something alone
-Felt so much better
-New challenges
-Getting in a routine of walking
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