Success StoryNever too Young to Start Saving
Never too Young to Start Saving
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Financial Management, Soft Skill Development, Human Development, Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Learning to save money and resources early in life can lead to proactive habits for the future. Each year the Meade County Extension office works with a local bank to secure sponsorship of a Piggy Bank Contest. The contest, part of activities leading up to KY Saves Week, is open to local students in grades K-12 and is broken down into four ages categories. The winner of each group receives $100 with an additional $100 going to the overall winner. The overall winner is then sent on for district competition where if selected, will be displayed throughout the month of February in the state capitol.
This year the overall county winner was also selected as the area winner so it spent several weeks on display in Frankfort. The young person who won the contest chose to invest her winnings and will keep track of her investments to learn how grow her money. Overall, 27 participants entered the contest and learned about the importance of saving money.
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