Success StoryLisa Walker Recovery Center Garden
Lisa Walker Recovery Center Garden
Author: Jessica Bessin
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Lisa walker recovery center is a 16 bed facility for women recovering from a variety of addictions. Women usually stay for about a month at this facility before moving on to other assisted living areas until they can get back on their feet. The Mercer County NEP assistant has been heavily involved with Lisa Walker residents for the past few years with nutrition classes.
With the help of the Mercer County NEP assistant the Mercer County Horticulture Agent was introduced to the facility managers to discuss adding a few raised beds to the facility. Along with a summer intern the Horticulture Agent provided raised beds, soil, and seeds for the facility. Since many of the residents are there for a month or less, we planned quick turnaround crops they could enjoy such as lettuce. We did provide some seeds that would take longer for a fall harvest.
Due to COVID restrictions we experienced some delays with getting this project started. Eventually, both the Horticulture Agent and intern met with the clientele to cover basic gardening techniques. The afternoon was spent building raised beds and planting. Many of the women shared they thought it was relaxing and therapeutic getting to work in the soil. They also shared some of their own gardening experiences and were looking forward to when they could attend other gardening classes.
We were unable to return to the facility due to COVID restrictions for the remainder of the summer. However we did find out that the residents were able to harvest all of their produce and use it in the meals they prepared. At this time we plan to continue this partnership expanding the raised beds and offering more gardening classes as restrictions have lifted.
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