Author: Linda McClanahan
Planning Unit: Garrard County CES
Major Program: Dairy
Plan of Work: Agriculture & Environment Education for Youth
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The NEP Assistant partnered with the ANR agent, Southland Dairy, The Dairy Alliance, and Mercer County Elementary School to teach 586 students about the importance of dairy in their diet. Students were taught about the dairy section of MyPlate, serving sizes, and nutrition facts for various dairy products. In addition, agriculture information was shared so students could learn about where milk and other dairy products come from, how farmers take care of their cows and how milk gets from the cow to their plate.
Students received a cow shaped fan with dairy facts and an 8 oz cup with milk facts to take home. Students were amazed to learn how quickly milk gets from the cow to their plate, some of the products made from milk and where chocolate/strawberry milk comes from.
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