Success Story2022 Nelson County Civics Day Camp Series

2022 Nelson County Civics Day Camp Series

Author: Hollyn Howard

Planning Unit: Nelson County CES

Major Program: Civic Engagement

Plan of Work: Developing Leadership and Volunteer Skills for Engagement with Community, Country and World

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Youth understanding of local government, news, and history can allow them to be better equipped when taking on adult responsibility and the workforce. This program was designed to allow youth participants to be better connected to their local civics through visiting local government building, new/radio, historical landmark, their first responders, and local politicians. 

The Nelson County 4-H Agent partnered with local entities to schedule and prepare tours. The entities prepared 30 minute to an hour long informative sessions with some hands on activities for youth of all ages.

Short-term Outcomes: Youth shared their takeaways which included "learned where to do paperwork," and, "learned the history in records." One youth applied what they learned to life occurrences such as what paperwork his family had to do when faced with recent family changes.

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