Success StoryPike 4-H Clubs Donate to Help Needy Campers
Pike 4-H Clubs Donate to Help Needy Campers
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Pike 4-H Clubs Donte to Help Needy Campers
The wise man (or woman) does not lay up treasures. The more he (or she) gives, the more he (or she) has.-Chinese Proverb
One of the H’s in the 4-H pledge is “the hands to larger service.” One hundred and fifty seven 4-H Clubs had a chance to give through the “Feed a Pig, Send a Child to 4-H Camp” campaign. The youth chose committee chairs, who made a sound of a pig when donations were made, and put their coins into the savings bank. There were stipends given to the club at each school with the most money for this service project.
This service project raised $3,510.43! This is a way that our low income youth can attend 4-H Camp and learn team work, self -discipline, as well as life skills. Most important, it prepares them for the work place.
Pike 4-H members are learning to give, the value of service learning and how to make the best better!
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