Success StoryToaster Ovens are New Again
Toaster Ovens are New Again
Author: Lora Howard
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyles
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
About 1.7 million toaster ovens are sold in the United States each year. Twenty-seven percent of households use it only for toasting foods (Energy Star Market Industry Scoping Report: Toaster Ovens, November 2011). Today’s toaster ovens have capability beyond toasting and use one-half to one-third less energy than conventional ovens. Additionally, smaller yield recipes may be more efficiently prepared in a toaster oven. Individuals who understand the advantages of toaster ovens may find them using the appliance to save energy and prepare more healthful meals.
The Family and Consumer Science Agent presented Toaster Ovens: Are New Again to The Wilderness Trail Area Homemakers contacting 49 participants. The interactive lecture provided opportunities to apply new knowledge through exploring toaster ovens available on the market today.
Program evaluations conducted immediately following the session revealed participants are aware of the advantages and challenges of using a toaster oven.
An immediate evaluation conducted after the program revealed participants plan to:
14 % of individuals who adapted their own recipes to yield fewer portions and for use in a toaster oven
20 % of individuals purchase a toaster oven as a result of what they learned in the class 63% already own a toaster oven.
53 % shared information with others and how many others they shared with.
16 % of individuals preparing more and healthier foods at home.
Individuals using a toaster oven to prepare foods may cook smaller portions and save energy, too. This program provided them with the skills to use their toaster ovens efficiently or select one to purchase.
Follow up evaluation 3 months later:
32 % increased the usage of the toaster oven,
36%prepared more foods in the toaster oven
36% shared the information with 122 additional people. Comments: I am more confident in using my toaster oven, I have started using my oven again.
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