Success StoryTeen Cuisine and KY Courts
Teen Cuisine and KY Courts
Author: Anita Boyd
Planning Unit: Mason County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky has the highest obesity rate in the nation for children between the ages of 10 and 17 at 23.8%. This is almost half again as frequent of the national rate of 16.2%, according to a report from the The State of Childhood Obesity in America. Jamie Bussel, the foundation’s senior program officer for efforts to prevent childhood obesity, said that this report …” is an urgent call to action for leaders at all levels and across all sectors.” The report emphasizes the consequences of obesity include breathing problems, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Mason County EFNEP assistant partnered with the KY Courts Juvenile Division to combat this issue using the Teen Cuisine curriculum. Teen Cuisine is a six lesson series with fun, interactive hands-on activities and recipes, while also including an emphasis on physical activity. After completing the course with 22 participants from 6 thru 8 grades, evaluations show a 57% improvement in eating more vegetables daily; 59% ate more whole grain foods; 71% consumed less sugar beverages; and 70% increased physical activity. Students also stated that they were now more comfortable reading recipes, using measuring cups and spoons, preparing and cooking food, and trying new recipes.
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