Success StoryA Beff Success
A Beff Success
Author: Adam Barnes
Planning Unit: Livingston County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Animal science education for adults and youth.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A Beefy Success
Livingston County Cooperative Extension ANR Agent
Mr. Con is a new farmer and beef producer to Livingston County. Having married a Livingston County Native, Mr. Conn learned of Extension and its opportunities to the community. Mr. Conn was looking for more information on starting beef cattle production and expressed concern with raising cattle in such a different landscape. He stated that Mexico had provided a much different landscape than Kentucky.
We started by identifying goals, issues and concerns that Mr. Conn was having with his beef operation. After some discussion about the issues he was experiencing, and what he would like for the farm to look like in the future, Livingston ANR came up with a basic starting point for him. The first step towards his goals was to establish a good heard health program. I recommended that Mr. Conn attend Livingston County’s winter beef program and the Small Diversified Farm Series program. I also suggested that Mr. Conn take advantage of Livingston County Cooperative Extension free soil sample and forage testing programs. We also provided him with educational materials from the University of Kentucky such as the Kentucky beef book and how to take a soil sample guide. He happily took advantage of all of these services and materials that were suggested by Livingston County ANR. Livingston County Extension also got him in touch with our local veterinarian to help him with more in-depth herd health program.
Mr. Conn now has started a basic herd health program, He has attended our local fencing school and is building fences on another farm that he has now purchased. He has limed and resown several pasture fields using our soil testing recommendations. Mr. Conn’s operation is with the help of Extension moving closer to his goals for the future.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment