Success StoryStocker Operation
Stocker Operation
Author: Robert Kirby
Planning Unit: Knox County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Introduction of specialty markets
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A Knox County farmer made the decision that he wanted to start a stocker and backgrounding operation where he could background his own calves and buy 500-600lb calves from semi load lots. Through educational programs and on farm visits by the Knox County Ag Agent, the farmer was educated on how to buy and match tractor trailer load lots, how to worm and work the cattle to control diseases, the most efficient nutritional feeding to enhance growth and reduce cost of gain, and how to market the cattle. This Spring, the farmer sold three matching semi loads using the WTA Marketing Alliance facility. He sold 160 head weighing 825lbs in the 3 loads. He earned 3 cents over market by having his own matching loads. With that earning, the farmer gained $24.75 a head. By using the WTA Beef Facility he paid $4 a head versus $25 a head. Concluding that the farmer made $3960 and saved $3360 on the 160 head.
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Stories by Knox County CES
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment