Success Story4-H Teen impact
4-H Teen impact
Author: Kimberly Lane
Planning Unit: Morgan County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: 2. Enhancing Youth Participation in Agriculture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
As a 4-H agent we often wonder if we will see our success of our work. We often wonder if we are making an impact. As we work with youth over a long period of time , 9-19 we can note change and growth, but still curious about the skill sets being useful in their career development. We write several letters of references for our teens as the transition into college and career path in hopes for success. Just recently I had the honor to get a call from a past 4-Her to inform me of the exciting opportunities that have been presented to her due to her experiences in 4-H! This young adult had been a part of the Morgan County 4-H program since she was 9 years old, participating in the communications program, attending camp, shooting sports, and livestock club. As years passed she then became a Teen leader at Summer and Environmental Camp, she was also active in our 4-H Teen program. She attended teen conference four times and served on the State Teen Council for three years. Currently she is a student at UK in the Environmental Sciences and natural resources, with the hopes of pursing a masters in Zoology. Therefore this has led her to apply for an internship at the Cincinnati Zoo for the summer. She had to submit a video demonstrating her ability present and explain an object for three minutes. (Basically a 4-H Demonstrations) The Cincinnati Zoo contacted her and told her she could have the internship however they offered her a job for the summer as an instructor. They commented on how her experiences with 4-H and serving as a leader at Camp would be more suited as an instructor at the Zoo. Its good to hear success stories for our youth and the impact has on their future.
Stories by Kimberly Lane

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Stories by Morgan County CES

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