Success Story2022 Fruit and Vegetable Plant Orders
2022 Fruit and Vegetable Plant Orders
Author: Jacob Ison
Planning Unit: Elliott County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Accessing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In the months of February and March the Elliott County Extension Office took up orders for fruit and vegetable starter plants to allow members of the local community to have access to plants that will eventually provide nutritious fresh foods right off the vine at a very low cost. On Wednesday, April 6th the Elliott ANR Agent Jacob Ison picked up the plants and brought them back to the Extension office to be dispersed. The next day, the orders were separated and became available for pick up. There were 70 individual orders, which means that if the plants are managed properly, there will be 70 households that have access to fresh nutritious fruits in their own back yard. When clients came to pick up their plant orders there was a lot of discussion on best growing technique, soil types and other variables on how to raise the most productive fruits and veggies in a home garden setting. This program has continued to get bigger every year here at Elliott Co. and we look forward to seeing how much it will grow in the future.
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