Success StoryCommunity Night of Socialization and Education
Community Night of Socialization and Education
Author: Tad Campbell
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR
Plan of Work: Engaged Communities
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Buffalo Trace Area Extension Services and Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC) partnered to host the community event, Farm Family Night. Following the event in 2020, the state made restrictions for gatherings and other protocols due to the COVID pandemic outbreak that lasted well past the 2021 host time for Farm Family Night. Move forward to March of 2022, both groups were eager to host the popular event once again. With many people being very selective to attend group settings no one had an idea of interest in participation as the two groups moved through the planning process. As the event neared the pandemic numbers began to decrease and the night of the event was a huge success. The evening offered over 30 educational sessions to all segments of the family. Nearly 600 members of the community attended Farm Family Night and educational sessions during the evening due to sponsorship by Farm Credit Services, Hinton Mills, Rip’s Farm Center, Meadowview Regional Hospital, and many others. In addition to the educational activities, many businesses and organizations collaborated to host a trade show as part of the evening offerings. Participants gained knowledge about wildlife management, weed control, bees, horticulture, cattle management, forestry, forages, gardening, hemp, food preparation and safety, youth livestock, and health. Sessions were taught by local volunteers, Extension Agents, Extension Specialist, MCTC faculty, and local business owners. Participants gave testimony to many members of the planning group with the same underlying message- “thank you for holding the event again and the classes were very informative.” Many complimented the group’s effort to hold the event to allow people a chance to get back together and see others that had been missed for a long time.
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