Success Story4-H Summit Leadership Conference
4-H Summit Leadership Conference
Author: Lee Ann McCuiston
Planning Unit: Todd County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Historically, youth numbers in 4-H begin to decline through out the middle school years. In an effort to engage middle school youth in programming, the Kentucky 4-H program offered a 4-H Leadership Summit targeted for 6th -8th graders at the West Kentucky 4-H Camp. This summit also engaged the state board members as mentors, class leaders and cabin chaperones, so these high school youth would have opportunities to build leadership, team work and communication skills.
At the West Kentucky 4-H Camp, the event hosted 120 middle schoolers and and 35 teen leaders. These youth attended leadership classes as well as workshops in each of the 4-H core curriculum areas. In addition, middle schoolers had the opportunity to create friendships with their peers and mentorships with older 4-Hers who served as their team leaders.
As a result of participating in 4-H Summit, middle schoolers reported that they increased their leadership skills and were able to contribute to their community.
88.4% felt they improved their leadership skills.
96.5% felt they were able to give back through the community service activity.
95.3% of the middle schoolers reported feeling accepted by their team.
93% reported that they made a connection with their teen leader assigned to lead their small or cabin group.
73.3% reported they wanted to return home and step up as a leader in their community.
84.9% reported they wanted to apply to serve on a Kentucky 4-H state level leadership board. 99% reported that they wanted to continue their participation in 4-H and attend future programs and events.
A major benefit of 4-H Summit is the confidence instilled in middle schoolers to go back to their community and find ways to become a leader and share their new skills with others. Todd County 4-H’ers who attended this conference expressed interest in getting more involved in additional 4-H leadership programs in the county. Three of the girls have already signed up to attend summer 4-H camp, while 2 have signed up to attend the 4-H Teen Conference. Two of the boys signed up to attend the American Heritage Day Camp at 4-H camp, so these numbers are a testament to a higher level of engagement of middle school youth in Todd County.
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