Success StoryBabysitting Academy
Babysitting Academy
Author: Alyssa Cox
Planning Unit: Rockcastle County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Relationships, Financial Education, Consumerism
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Today’s parents are stretched thin for childcare between heavy workloads, single parenting in many cases, elder caregiving, children’s out-of-school activities, and the overall burdens of COVID-19. Family members are often too busy or live too far away to lend a hand with childcare. Certified childcare centers are not affordable, especially for single income households. They are often being shut down due to illness and being short-staffed.
In rural communities, it is often difficult for high school aged youth to find employment that compliments their interests and skill sets. That is why Rockcastle County 4-H partnered with the Rockcastle County High School Family & Consumer Sciences Essentials class to conduct the Kentucky Babysitting Basics 4 Fun and 4 Profit program. The students in this class are interested and wiling to be trained as competent and caring babysitters to fulfill the need childcare needs of local parents.
This program was conducted over the course of six classroom meetings where a total of 60 Freshmen students were present. During these meetings, we went through the Kentucky 4-H Babysitting Basics 4 Fun and 4 Profit curriculum, which focused on an introduction to babysitting, infant care, child development, child guidance and discipline, preventing accidents, handling emergencies, and the business of babysitting. During these lessons, we completed corresponding learning activities to test the students’ knowledge.
According to the post-test, 89% of participants were able to correctly identify the responsibilities of a babysitter. 100% of students indicated that they were able to demonstrate those responsibilities, solve conflicts better, and feel more confident caring for children because of the program.
Rockcastle County High School students that participated in the program are able to demonstrate a more general sense of responsibility and they possess the skills to develop a business. In addition, parents have more access to competent childcare providers during a time that childcare is scarce and inconsistent.
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