Success StoryIt is More Than Just Me
It is More Than Just Me
Author: Catherine Jansen
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Improving Mental Health
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The eight counties of the Northern Kentucky Area of Extension Homemakers held a leadership training titled “It’s More Than Just Me” in the winter of 2022. Agents from four different counties, including Carroll County, led the workshops. The purpose of the workshop was to help the participants understand how other people can influence their thoughts and behavior and also help them plan some strategies to make them happier.
The 4 subject areas included True Colors Personality Styles, Generational Differences, Conflict Resolution, and Strengthening your Blueprint for Happiness.
As a result of the True Colors Personality program (discovering if you were a blue, gold, green, or orange personality), the question was asked, “Has your understanding of yourself improved?” Of the participants evaluated, 82% said they understood there personality better. Some of the comments included:
“It made me more aware of my strengths and who I am.” “Made me realize things about myself I never thought about before.” “It was informative to see in print characteristics that describe my personality.” “ I feel I have a better understanding of how and why I react to situations in my life because of these dominate traits.” “Helps to understand why I make some of the choices I do.” “Why it is easier to get along with some people and harder with others.”
Of the participants attending the workshop on Generational Difference 97% said, “Since I attended this workshop, my ability to recognize and distinguish between 6 different generation characteristic and values has increased. My level of ability to recognize how changes and events in society have influenced generational perspectives has also increased.
Because of the work shop on Conflict Handling, 97% of the participants evaluated concluded that they now know the 5 different conflict-handling styles, and they will be able to manage conflict more effectively in their life.
During the Strengthening your Blueprint for Happiness workshop, participants selected principle(s) they intend to work on to strengthen their blueprint for happiness:
Of those evaluated, 25% said they intend to work on noticing and appreciating the good in each day.
18% said they were going to focus more on the positives in their past.
20% said they were going to look forward to tomorrow.
When people are happy it seems to make the world a better place to live.
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