Success Story4-H Safety Day 2021
4-H Safety Day 2021
Author: Erica Spurgeon
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Wellness & Healthy Communities-NEW
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Healthy living is one of three 4-H mission mandates and it encompasses: physical activity, personal safety, mental health, addiction prevention, and diversity and inclusion. In September 2021, Pulaski County Extension Agents: TJ Adkins, Jennifer Cole, and Erica Spurgeon collaborated to host a 4-H Safety Day for nearly 630 Pulaski County 8th graders at the Hal Rogers Fire Training Center. The goal of the 4-H Safety Day was to promote and bring awareness to 8th graders in many general areas of safety.
There were a total of eight stations that the students rotated through. Areas of safety that were covered included:
- Fire Safety
- Livestock/Animal Safety
- Water Safety
- Electrical Safety
- Tractor/Lawnmower Safety
- Outdoor Safety
- First Aid
- Drinking & Safety
This event was a great way to involve members of our community. Presenters included our local EMS and fire departments, Corps of Engineers, SKRECC, Valley Farm Equipment, KY State Police, Garrard County 4-H Agent, Eric Comley and Pulaski County ANR Agent, TJ Adkins. We are incredibly grateful for these groups and their willingness to give back to the community and support 4-H.
We were also able to include a leadership aspect with our 4-H Teen Ambassadors and Pulaski County High School FFA Officers. These 9 youth were used as group leaders to help rotate each group to their next station.
4-H Safety Day 2021 was a great way for 4-H to get back into our middle schools and provide a much needed refresher for students and teachers about personal safety. We look forward to continuing this event each year.
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