Success Story4-H Summer Camp Creates A lasting Impact
4-H Summer Camp Creates A lasting Impact
Author: Leslea Barnes
Planning Unit: Crittenden County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Family and Youth
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
4-H summer camp can create more of a lasting impact than one could think. I asked my teen club officers to get up at our banquet this past year and say just a few things about "why they love 4-H". Each one of them (unfortunately only 3 of the 6 were there due to illness) stood up there and talked about how 4-H is a huge part of their life, shared some of their best and funny memories, and talked about how 4-H is family….but they each tied it all back to 4-H summer camp, each talking about how if it weren’t for camp, they wouldn’t have these friendships, memories, and family. If it weren’t for camp they wouldn’t be the person they are today, how camp has made them a better person and how thankful they are that camp was and is such a huge part of their lives and how it has made a positive difference in who they are.
None of this was planned to specifically what to talk about, no one knew what the other was going to say, but they all tied it back to camp. 5 of my 6 officers all have a camp background and of those 5, 4 are now teen counselors. This just reiterates how important and special 4-H summer camp is to our youth. For these youth, it's a life changing event and experience. It has created a positive experience in their life that provdided useful skills, that will positively affect their lives currently and for their future. 4=H summer camp created a lasting impact. ??
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