Success StoryGrowing leaders
Growing leaders
Author: Ola Donahue
Planning Unit: Kenton County CES
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Plan of Work: Adult Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Motivation and the use of incentives are important to positive youth development. 4-H Youth Development programs provide opportunities for creativity in a learn-by-doing environment and encourage youth to become involved in projects and activities. The 4-H Achievement Program is intended to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments and to provide incentive for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. Working with youth in Kenton County I have had the privilege to watch Jessy and Audrey grow form clover buds to Senior 4-Her's. Cov-19 has changed the way we do programing but through it all both have stayed active in 4-H. By receiving the 4-H Gold Award both girls have shown that they have had outstanding accomplishments in 4-H. Audrey states that 4-H has helped her become more confident speaking in public, has helped her with her sewing skills and that working on committees has helped her become a leader. Audrey has now moved into the role for 4-H Council President. Jessy's work in sewing has helped her in her AP design class and she is a better public speaker after participating in speech competitions. 4-H has been a large support system for Jessy after losing her mother. Both of these young ladies has been involved in 4-H in all areas of 4-H and are a great example of how 4-H can grow leaders. Jessy has now moved into the role of 4-H Council Secretary. This program not only helped these young ladies achieve the Gold award last year they are now in volunteer leadership roles on our 2022 4-H Council. They will now be planning our future 4-H programs
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