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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryKentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems – Fish Health Inspections and Water Quality Testing at the KSU Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (1-1-18 to 3-31-18)

Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems – Fish Health Inspections and Water Quality Testing at the KSU Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (1-1-18 to 3-31-18)

Author: Robert Durborow

Planning Unit: KSU Aquaculture

Major Program: Aquaculture

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Food Science and Sustainable Systems – Fish Health Inspections and Water Quality Testing at the KSU Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (1-1-18 to 3-31-18) 

Robert Durborow, M.S., Ph.D. and Kathryn Mitchell, M.S. 


Aquaculturists must maintain the health of their fish and the quality of their water in order to make a profit. There is a need for a fish disease diagnostic laboratory able to inspect fish and certify them as pathogen-free. Helping clients maintain good water quality and recommend proper prevention and treatment keeps fish healthy and actively growing. It is also important for the lab to be directed by an American Fisheries Society Certified Fish Pathologist certified to do inspections. Fish health inspections are required before live fish can be transported and sold across state lines (and sometimes even within certain states); a lab that can perform these inspections needs to be available to aquaculturists. 


During this impact period (January 1, 2018 – March 31, 2018), a fish health inspection was performed for a fish farmer in the Bluegrass Region of the state (in Midway). In addition, eight (8) water quality cases were tested at the Diagnostic Lab. While interacting with Diagnostic Lab clients, the State Extension Specialist for Aquaculture Dr. Robert Durborow and Extension Associate Ms. Kathryn Mitchell were able to share Best Management Practices with them, helping clients to adopt practices that are economically and environmentally sound as well as safer for the farm owner and his/her family and employees. Also, a KSU, CAFSSS master’s graduate student collected Diagnostic Lab data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of bacteria isolated from fish disease cases to 1) determine which antibiotic should be used in medicated feed to treat the sick fish and 2) investigate whether AMR among several bacterial isolates from the same fish varied in their susceptibility to the antibiotics used in our Laboratory testing (a phenomenon termed heteroresistance).


Water quality samples submitted to the Laboratory helped farmers and pond owners know how to treat their bodies of water to maximize fish growth and survival and prevent establishment of aquatic weeds. Using an estimated value of $2000 per water quality case, the 8 cases would have a value of approximately $16,000.00. Additionally, the fish health inspection (now routinely required for shipping live fish into many states) would ordinarily cost fish producers about $3000. Immediate savings to Kentucky residents benefiting from these services was approximately $19,000.00. State and federal governments require that the person collecting and certifying for inspections be certified (as either a Fish Pathologist or an Aquatic Animal Health Inspector) by the American Fisheries Society or be an accredited veterinarian. Dr. Robert Durborow, KSU Fish Disease Diagnostic Laboratory director, is an AFS Certified Fish Pathologist (#57). 

Clients also benefited economically from adopting Best Management Practices (e.g., stocking and feeding at recommended levels, and marketing to proper outlets) that were passed on to them by Dr. Durborow and Ms. Mitchell. Also benefitting were the environment potentially affected by the aquaculture practice and the safety record of the farming operation. Emphasis on farm safety increases the health, well-being and quality of life of those working on the farm. It is also beneficial to the profitability of the farm: avoiding lost work time, unnecessary law suits and time-consuming workers compensation issues. The antimicrobial resistance thesis research being performed by KSU M.S. graduate student Ashmita Poudel will be written as a M.S. thesis and published in a scientific research journal. 

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