Success StoryPlate It Up! Ky Proud Recipe Club
Plate It Up! Ky Proud Recipe Club
Author: Crystal Osborne
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Plan of Work: Health & Wellness throughout the Life Span
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Research is clear that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help protect against several chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Nationwide, it is estimated that only 12.2% of adult meet the recommended amount of fruits each day and only 9.3% meet recommendations for vegetables (CDC, 2018). Kentucky falls even further below the national averages with only 8.0% of adults meeting daily recommendations for fruits and 6.3% meeting recommendations for vegetables (CDC, 2018). In response to these statistics, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Owsley County has offered a mail recipe club for calendar year 2021-2022 featuring Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud recipes and other Extension-supported recipes to encourage the consumption of locally produced fruits and vegetables across Kentucky.
Over 30 individuals have joined the recipe club and have received up to ten recipes monthly through the U.S. Postal Service. In addition, individuals were encouraged to share pictures and feedback once they prepare the recipe.
At the end of each month of the program, participants are asked to complete a brief survey to provide feedback. Of those who responded, 88% have prepared at least one of the provided recipes, 88% reported that they would make that recipe again, 88% of participants shared that they are more likely to buy a fruit or vegetable as a result of participating in the recipe club, and 82% reported that they have increased their consumption of fruits or vegetables as a result of participating in the recipe club. In addition to trying new recipes and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, 67% of participants reported learning a new technique or skill from preparing the recipes.
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