Author: Gina Ligon
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4-H Natural Resources
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Decorating with Greens
Decorating with Greens was created to show the community you could create beautiful wreaths, swags, and centerpieces from the landscape. The community learns the types of evergreens that you can grow in our local landscape and gains the skills to create an arrangement. Participants for the program ranged between the ages of 2-70.
Eight members from the Union Garden Club, eighteen community adult members, fifteen 4-Hers participated from various 4-H clubs, thirty-seven students from two local schools, and one-hundred forty community families participated in Decorating with Green programs during the month of December.
The family event called Reindeer Games with one-hundred and forty participants was a partnership between Boone County Parks department, Boone County 4-H, and the Boone County Environmental Agent. This program in various games, crafts, and the families created cup centerpieces from fresh cut greens from the landscape. The participants from this event it was their first time working the evergreen materials and it was family creation. The bonding between the family members showed during the community and hearing all the of laughs. Reindeer Games and Decorating with Greens was such hit that all partners plan to expand the community program in December of 2022.
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