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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success StoryEveryday Gardener Webinar Series II

Everyday Gardener Webinar Series II

Author: Sharon Flynt

Planning Unit: Scott County CES

Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Plan of Work: Environmental Education

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Continuing efforts to meet the public desire for horticultural educational classes in the ever-changing climate of the post pandemic world, horticulture agents in 7 counties of Central Region collaborated in the Fall of 2021 to offer the Everyday Gardener Webinar Series once again. The series, taught by agents and specialist, provided educational classes related to horticulture under the  fields of:  Insects: The Good , the Bad and the Ugly, Wildlife and Woodlands, and Season to Season Horticulture. Under of each of these fields, three classes were taught for a total of 9 classes. Their topics were:  Invasive Species, Monarch Butterflies, Fall Insect Invaders,  Winter Bird Feeding, Nuisance Wildlife, Growing Mushrooms, Living Harvest Centerpiece, Holiday Plants and Season Interest Landscaping. Over 100 participants attended the classes either through live zoom or video.   That number continues to grow as participants tune in at their convenience to watch the recorded classes.

What was advertised to primarily Central Kentucky  citizens has been passed along by others through social media to many across Kentucky and even out of state. A participant from Maryland who joined several of the classes expressed that each class and the information given “was fantastic!”

Participants have even requested other horticultural topics through the virtual gardening classes vehicle that the Everyday Garden Series has provided, showing a need and appreciation for researched based information we are providing on the internet as University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension horticultural agents.

Stories by Sharon Flynt

Holiday Wreathmaking Classes Continues to Expand Outreach

about 1 months ago by Sharon Flynt

Describe the Issue or Situation. As outreach to underserved audiences of Scott County continues to b... Read More

Digging Deeper: Recommendations for Better Lawn and Environment Health

about 1 months ago by Sharon Flynt

Describe the Issue or Situation.Excess or improperly applied fertilizer is carried through stormwate... Read More

Stories by Scott County CES

Holiday Wreathmaking Classes Continues to Expand Outreach

about 1 months ago by Sharon Flynt

Describe the Issue or Situation. As outreach to underserved audiences of Scott County continues to b... Read More

Digging Deeper: Recommendations for Better Lawn and Environment Health

about 1 months ago by Sharon Flynt

Describe the Issue or Situation.Excess or improperly applied fertilizer is carried through stormwate... Read More