Success StoryGiving the Farmer's Market New Life
Giving the Farmer's Market New Life
Author: Whitney Carman
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Diversified Agriculture and Rural Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Grayson County Farmer’s Market has been a viable market for over 15 years. It has served the community fresh local produce yearly and is a staple in the summer. However, over the last 5 years, lack of vendors and the increase in pressure to sell on the farm has limited the farmer’s market’s ability to be as strong as it once was. The Agriculture and Natural Resources agent, as well as other community wanted felt like it was time to make some changes to give it new life. In the spring of 2021, veteran and new growers met together to discuss options on ways to improve the market for everyone. Out of that meeting came the opportunity to move the Farmer’s Market to the Extension Office parking lot where they could have no rental fees, better parking, a larger place to set up and increased traffic from Highway 62. This would be a one year trial, and that if it didn’t work out, they would move back to the old location. Another big change was the increase in non-produce items that could be sold, still in the requirements for a Kentucky Farmer’s Market.
The Grayson County Extension Office worked with the Farmer’s Market to help promote the big changes, and to help encourage growers to join the market. Through various media outlets, mailings and letters, the market membership grew from 2 vendors to 19 vendors.
On July 24th, the Farmer’s Market hosted a Fresh Market Day which included the 4-H Youth Development Agent, Family Consumer Science Agent, and Nutrition Education Program Assistant. The 4-H agent did a story walk with the vendors and had activities about living seeds at her center. The NEP assistant handed out Cooking through the Calendar calendars, and sampled a recipe from it. The FCS agent handed out home food preservation items, Kentucky proud recipes, and literature. Over 270 people attended, including 37 children and reached almost 7000 people locally.
An end of season meeting was held to go over challenges and opportunities, and overall the market members were satisfied. New marketing materials, and market manager designation are items that will be discussed at the spring 2022 meeting. Winter market days were discussed as a group to help keep the Farmer’s Market in people’s minds through the year, so a November and December date were set for members only to sell. This was held inside of the extension office. Both dates were well attended with average of 100 people each day.
Market members voluntarily submitted sales data from the 2021 market and collectively raised over $20,000. This is $20,000 that was kept in Grayson County and sent to local market members, supporting the local economy.

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