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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022

Success StoryKentucky Leading the Way for Improved Indoor Pest Management

Kentucky Leading the Way for Improved Indoor Pest Management

Author: Zachary DeVries

Planning Unit: Entomology

Major Program: Integrated Pest Management

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Pest control and academia have grown apart over the past 20 years, where the research being conducted by urban entomology labs does not directly address the needs of the indoor pest control stakeholders.  Therefore, I developed, organized, and ran a meeting involving 13 technical directors of pest control companies from around the country, along with my trainees (4 students, 1 post-doc, and 1 research scientist), to discuss the needs of the pest control industry.  During this meeting (the first of its kind), we generated a number of new project ideas and made sure the research being conducted  by the University of Kentucky aligned with the needs of the pest control industry, ensuring the University of Kentucky will be a leader in urban pest management moving forward.

Stories by Zachary DeVries

Kentucky Department of Ag and UK Entomology Collaboration

about 3 years ago by Zachary DeVries

In 2021, the Kentucky Legislature passed a bill which completely overhauled the states statues on pe... Read More

Premier Pest Control Training at the UK Short Course

about 3 years ago by Zachary DeVries

Despite the continuing challenges of COVID-19, we successfully developed and executed the 50th annua... Read More

Stories by Entomology

Research results on control of mollusks provided management solutions to soybean farmers

Research results on control of mollusks provided management solutions to soybean farmers

about 2 years ago by Raul Villanueva

I am studying mollusk damage in soybean since 2017. Mollusk attacks were very rare then; however, th... Read More

Studies to Manage the Hemp Russet Mite Offers Alternatives for Its Control to Hemp Farmers Nationally

about 2 years ago by Raul Villanueva

In 2021 I worked with the IR-4 testing several organic and conventional (synthetic) acaricides for h... Read More

Stories by Integrated Pest Management

University of Kentucky's Crop Pest Management Webinars-2021

about 2 years ago by Raul Villanueva

The field crop pest management group at UK created a 5-week webinar series in November and December ... Read More

Tank mix demonstrations have impact on Kentucky Farmers

about 2 years ago by Travis Legleiter

Tank mixing of herbicide is a common practice to capture control of a broad spectrum of weed species... Read More