Success StoryMaking Small Steps to Healthier Living
Making Small Steps to Healthier Living
Author: Rachael Price
Planning Unit: Grant County CES
Major Program: Weight the Reality Series
Plan of Work: Becoming Fit Physically
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Grant County KY has an Adult obesity rate of 35.6% and a physical activity rate of 30.2%. The Grant County Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) program and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) worked together to offer 10 weeks of classes using Weight the Reality Series, Healthy Choices, and Small Steps to Health and Wealth curriculums to help Grant County Adults improve their nutrition and be more active. The local fitness facility, Body Works Gym, offered free membership through the program, and discounts to anyone who wanted to join later. During the classes, participants practiced portion control and food safety while preparing recipes as well as budgeting and meal planning as a group. The group was encouraged to eat a variety of healthy foods and reduce the intake of unhealthy choices.
As a result of the program, 86% exercised at least 30 minutes per day and 80% made small changes to be more active. Also, 50% began planning meals before shopping and 100% had a positive change in consuming foods from at least one food group. The group began to encourage each other and make the new recipes they learned in class. One client stated, “I’m eating more vegetables than ever and I rarely go through the drive through anymore.” Another stated, “One thing that really stuck with me through the program was, it’s not necessarily what you eat, it’s how much and why.” In addition, three members of the group have volunteered to share their skills with our county's youth at the upcoming Recipe for Life program.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment