Success StoryCloverbud Day Camp
Cloverbud Day Camp
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Nutrition and Physical Activity
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Studies have proven that children involved in educational outside of school are more likely to become successful members of society. The 4-H Cloverbud Program is a way to reach kids at a younger age to get them involved in the 4-H Program. This program serves as a steppingstone to introduce youth to all the various 4-H programs and activities. In Henderson County, our Cloverbud program has been confined to short monthly virtual and in person meetings. In an effort to engage younger youth in the 4-H program, we offered a half day, day camp for cloverbud aged youth. We had thirty cloverbud youth attend. The focus of the camp is to engage in cooperative, non-competitive learning experience. 4-H Cloverbud members participate in learning activities that promote self-confidence, healthy lifestyles, social skills, and just plain having fun. Around half of the cloverbud youth participants had never been involved in a 4-H program. During the day, youth did several creative and expressive arts project, talked about recycling, did a science experiment, and made a healthy snack. The day camp was designed to be an introduction to what all 4-H has to offer. This day camp was a great way to introduce younger youth and their parents to 4-H. We were also able to utilize five teen youth to introduce the youth to 4-H and engage the youth during the day. Those older youth were able to serve as mentors and role models for cloverbud youth to look up to and aspire to be as they grow up in their 4-H Career. After the day camp, multiple parents call and texted that their kid talked about how much fun they had and what all they learned. Many kids couldn’t wait to go home and show their parents how to make homemade ice cream and the science experiment. Many youth asked if next year the day camp could be longer and multiple days. We are excited to see the long term effect on these youth as they started their 4-H career at an early age.
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