Success Story2021 Elite Bred Heifer Sale
2021 Elite Bred Heifer Sale
Author: Lindsay Arthur
Planning Unit: Bourbon County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Agricultural Production
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Bourbon County Livestock Improvement Association Elite Heifer Sale was started in 1991 to help smaller producers come together to market their cattle. These cattle would be bred heifers that are due to calve in the spring with set standards for all cattle to meet to qualify for the sale and ensure the cattle are pregnant up to 60 days following the sale. Records included breeding dates, color, vaccination history, and body conditioning scores were collected along with hands on help tagging each heifer. For marketing purposes, videos of each lot of heifers was needed and taken when working them. These videos were edited by support staff and then uploaded to the Elite Heifer website and Facebook. Producers were educated on different marketing tools that could be utilized for increased awareness of the cattle they had available for sale. Conversations with myself and the producers during this time will hopefully allow the producers to implement techniques in the future to increase the value of their heifers.
Due to the efforts from the producers and extension staff from Bourbon, Scott, and Fayette, the sale had a very successful year. The sale took place on November 1, 2021 and the producers sold a total of 305 heifers grossing $513,250.00 for an average of $1,683.00 per head.
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