Author: Faye Kuosman
Planning Unit: Woodford County CES
Major Program: Pollinators
Plan of Work: Environmental Quality
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Recognizing the value pollinators provide to humans and our ecosystem, the Woodford County Extension Office in collaboration with the Woodford County Extension Master Gardeners, held the first annual Woodford County Pollinator Photo Challenge.
There were a total of 37 adult that entered 93 photos and 2 youth that entered a total of 5 photos. The top 3 winners in each category (adult and youth) received pollinator seeds, pollinator ID cards, gift cards and native plants.
The first year of this program was very successful. The photos were posted to social media for the community to view. The goal is to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators to our community and promote planting and maintaining gardens with plants that attract and protect them. The Woodford County Master Gardeners will be creating a calendar next year with the photos submitted that will also include gardening tips and to-dos for each month.
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