Author: Christina A. Martin
Planning Unit: Russell County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Plan of Work: Skills Development through Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Russell Co. 4-H program presented a series of beginner cooking activities to young people in the county. Life skill development is a need identified by the County Extension Council and local 4-H Council. Cooking with young people lets them develop their math and reading skills as well as teaching life skills and promoting healthy eating. Young people will usually try any recipe that they help cook which gives them opportunities to develop their taste for new, healthy foods. The youth learned to measure wet and dry ingredients properly, how to read a recipe, recipe abbreviations, and proper mixing techniques for eggs and a simple batter. The youth prepared cornmeal muffins at the first meeting and all three groups had excellent results. Several youth that indicated that they did not like cornbread actually tasted the final product and said that they liked the taste and would make this recipe again with their family. One parent commented, “I can’t believe that she has tried this! She is so picky and she actually likes it! Thank you so much!”
At the end of the program, over 80% of the youth indicated that they can use measuring cups and spoons correctly to measure both wet and dry ingredients. In addition, over 80% said they could read a recipe and follow the directions. Over half of the youth had made a recipe again at home for their family. The recipes most often made by them were cornbread and waffles. The youth said that they would use their cooking skills to help with family meals, to cook for special events, and in the future when they have a family. One youth hopes to open a café when grown.
The Russell Co. 4-H program presented a series of science activities in collaboration with the fourt... Read More
The Russell County 4-H program offered a series of cooking classes to elementary school youth. The y... Read More
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The Russell Co. 4-H program presented a series of science activities in collaboration with the fourt... Read More