Success StoryBird Blind Serves Community
Bird Blind Serves Community
Author: Cathy Toole
Planning Unit: Henry County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
When deciding how to best serve his community and fulfilling the project requirement for a 2nd year member of the Natural Resource and Environmental Science Academy Daniel Brown chose to add a natural resource element to the community park. The Henry County Recreational Park is relatively new to the county been established several years ago. It how has the youth league soccer and football fields. It is also home to a walking trail, splash park, Health Dept., and Sr. Citizens offices. The park has become quite a draw to the community.
There is a small pond at the front of the park where fishing is allowed. There are a variety of wildlife that visit the pond and Daniel decided that he would like to promote the wildlife that stops by the pond. He developed a building plan for a bird blind and 3 bird feeders. He also created signage with visuals of different birds that would commonly visit the pond.
Daniel worked with members of the Henry County Natural Resource Club and a few adult volunteers to construct the bird blind and feeders. The bulk of the money to purchase supplies came from a grant from the Natural Resource Academy and Ohio Valley United Charities, Inc.
The bird blind has become a wonderful addition to the park that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment