Success StoryThe Insects Will Tell the Tale
The Insects Will Tell the Tale
Author: Eric Comley
Planning Unit: Garrard County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Valuing Natural Resources and Establishing Community Environmental Awareness
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In Richard Louv's book, "The Nature Principle" describes the connection of technology and nature experience as an, "...increase our intelligence, creative thinking, and productivity, giving birth to the hybrid mind." To encourage a connection to nature and balancing the use of technology, the Garrard Co. 4-H Agent, partnering with the Family Resource Center, organized and implemented a Creek Day to look at a local aquatic system, discuss the importance of recording biological indicator invertebrates, and using apps to record data for local and global use. 18 youth and 6 adults participated in the day event. A post-event survey found youth increased knowledge about aquatic invertebrates by 81%, understood that aquatic invertebrates help determine the health of our moving water systems by 97%, and 100% would be willing to repeat the process in the spring to see if there has been a change in the biodiversity of this local river system.
Stories by Eric Comley
Taking Nature to Them "On the Ground"
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Growing into a Successful 4-H Summer Camping Program
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Stories by Garrard County CES
Taking Nature to Them "On the Ground"
The ever-changing landscape of the current pandemic world has forced multiple populations to avoid o... Read More

Tat Cats
Tatting-a needlework skill that has been around since the late 1700s, created by shuttle or needle. ... Read More
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment