Success StoryKY forage and Grassland Coucil Field Day
KY forage and Grassland Coucil Field Day
Author: Tyler Miller
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Agriculture Sustainability and Marketing 2020-24
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
I had the wonderful opportunity to host the 2021 KFGC State Field Day. The host farm was a well-kept, clean farm that was more than willing to serve as the host. I had worked with this farm before, but this had only strengthened our relationship. I used this opportunity to serve as a CAIP educational event. We had the cattleman's cook and serve the food. 4 specialists from the University came and delivered timely information to a whooping crowd of 175 people from multiple counties. This was a great day with lots of information presented. The next day i had people from all over calling in the office telling how good of a field that that was and how much they enjoyed it. I even saw a bithday cake with a lit candle amoungst a small crowd gathered around a hay wagon! Good times were had by all.
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