Success StoryDemo Garden
Demo Garden
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Horticulture (Commercial/Home/Consumer) and Small Farm Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Demo Garden at the Pike County Extension Office is sponsored by the Extension Office and the Pikeville Master Gardeners. It is designed to demonstrate to the local people that you don't have to possess acres of land to produce fruits & Vegetables for healthy eating. Garden uses multiple methods of "Small Garden" demos. It consists for multiple types of raised beds, as well as in ground gardening. Everything from wooden beds (set up for Handicapped gardening), pots, metal raised bed forms, livestock watering troughs, and season extension. It demonstrates 3 different structures for Low Tunnels and 1 smaller High Tunnel. Multiple fruits and vegetables were grown. There is a perennial bed of Asparagus, with Wine Cap Mushrooms sown underneath (double cropping), a small bed of Strawberries, and a few plants of Rhubarb. Multiple beds of normal eastern Kentucky Crops such as corn and white half runner beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, lettuce. Even vining crops such as cantaloupe, yellow squash, & watermelon. There is even a herb garden to demonstrate healthier eating. There are demonstrations of Sun Flowers, nasturtiums, and other edible flowers. For the home gardeners, there is a really simple to construct block compost bin for those that want to start composting. Small inexpensive irrigation systems and timers demonstrate easier ways to keep the garden irrigated. The use of multiple implements not normally seen in this area--such as collinear hoes, water timers, & irrigation tape. Master Gardeners have provided majority of the work both for the labor and for leading/educating/demonstrating to multiple home gardening guests.
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