Success Story4-H Reality Store Teaches Workplace Skills
4-H Reality Store Teaches Workplace Skills
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Plan of Work: Financial Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Reality Store Teaches Workplace Skills
The Pike County Extension Council identified economic development as one of the needs for Pike County. The 4-H Reality Store was held that involved eighty eight youth. Thirty volunteers and staff manned the different store fronts. From Uncle Sam to housing and child care, the youth came to terms to the reality of the cost of the “real world.” The local newspaper covered the event and the community learned of this important program that has been incorporated in the school’s curriculum.
Five months after the program, a random survey was conducted on 26 of the 13 year, 14 year old and 15 year old students. The response to what they are going to do different as a result of the program was as follows:
Make better grades | 3 |
Budget Better/Keep a budget | 2 |
Have a good job, get a higher education, finish school | 6 |
Save money for self and kids | 6 |
Spend money on needs instead of wants | 6 |
Spend based on the money you make/make better choices | 4 |
Don’t have kids they cost money/don’t get married | 4 |
Go more expensive | 1 |
Of those survey, Joshua Perry, age 15, wrote, “I had no idea different of taxes there actually are (on tax payers)”. Brodley Richardson, age 14, wrote, “I learned I don’t want to spend money on ridiculously expensive things. Be cheaper.” The 4-H sponsor stated, “They were so excited about the program and were talking about their “jobs” during the 4-H Reality Store.”
This program involved many of the community businesses, volunteers and civic organization. The community came together to help youth learn about the real world. Pike County 4-H is helping to build the workplace through experiential programs and helping to “make the best better.”
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