Author: Kimberly Lane
Planning Unit: Morgan County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: 2. Enhancing Youth Participation in Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky Livestock Certification program is one component of the 4-H Core Curriculum areas of Kentucky 4-H. By having a certified leader in Morgan County it has provided an opportunity for youth to have hands-on experiences with Livestock. Morgan County 4-H Livestock program has had several ups and downs, but that all is changing. The Livestock club/program has truly grown over the course of the year. The group that joined last year to develop a foundation for our youth has stuck together and is beginning to build a livestock program.
The club has maintained an active schedule from attending livestock clinics, sheep farm demonstrations, and several hands-on learning sessions. But the club/program has truly strengthened over the past few years and are planning for the future of the club by wanting to broaden out to meet more needs of the Morgan County youth.
During this time the club has attended numerous showmanship classes, participated in the State Skill-a-thon, and several farm on-site visits.
The livestock show was hosted in July by the livestock club in partnership with the Morgan County Fair Board. However, this year was the start the of a new partnership with the FFA program. FFA advisor helped promote, organize and setup the livestock show. Members were able to secure $3500 in premium money for all participants. Morgan county youth participated in poultry show, rabbit, goat, sheep and beef show.
The Livestock Club has evolved over the past four years and keeps growing each year.
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COVID-19 is a public health crisis for both physical and mental well-being. According to David Weise... Read More