Success StoryFair Prepares Youth for the Future
Fair Prepares Youth for the Future
Author: Kelsey Chadwick
Planning Unit: Graves County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Developing Youth and Adult Leaders in the Community
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In July of 2021, the Purchase District Fair was held featuring multiple opportunities for Purchase District 4-H Youth to participate. Six livestock shows were held, including sheep, goat, cattle, rabbit, poultry, and swine. All shows had participation and over 59 livestock entries were exhibited in total, with youth showing from several different counties in west Kentucky. Additionally, the fair held the 1st Graves County 4-H Annual Fashion Revue, where sewing members could show off their creations. Sewing leaders were able to provide great feedback to sewing members and celebrate their accomplishments at the Fashion Revue. 4-H Exhibits were also held in conjuction with Home & Garden exhibits, with over 103 entries in the 4-H division. Of those entries, 34 advanced to the Kentucky State Fair, where members won recognition for their skills. Opportunities to show at the fair teach youth about creating or making something by hand, preparing a project for exhibition, and winning and losing gracefully, which are skills that youth will use for a lifetime.
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