Success StoryPasture Weed Control Demonstration
Pasture Weed Control Demonstration
Author: Brandon Sears
Planning Unit: Madison County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Encourage and Promote Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Weeds continue to spread in pastures and hayfields across Madison County. Weather events, overstocking and invasive plants have caused an increase in weeds resulting in lower forage productivity for livestock. Madison County Extension ANR agent and Dr. J.D. Green, UK Extension Weed Control Specialist, worked to provide a weed control workshop for local producers. Five different herbicides were sprayed on the pasture in demonstration plots in late June and included one new product on the market with the remainder being commonly recommended. On August 26th a workshop was held where approximately 40 local livestock producers learned about boomless sprayers and spraying technology as well as results from demonstration plots. The ANR agent spoke to the group about local opportunities to rent pastures sprayers, how to use them, and provided a demonstration. Many factors for successful weed control were presented including weed life cycles and identification, selecting the proper herbicide, herbicide application timing, and how general management of forages helps to suppress weeds.
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