Success StoryA Summer of Nutritious Learning
A Summer of Nutritious Learning
Author: Emily Matthews
Planning Unit: Barren County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the State of Childhood Obesity, 23.8% of youth ages 10-17 have obesity. To help combat this issue, The Barren County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with multiple area summer camps to conduct Nutrition Education programming. The Barren County Nutrition Education Program partnered with The Boys and Girls Club of Glasgow, Cave City Headstart, Glasgow Independent School’s Preschool Academy, Caverna Independent Schools Summer Scholars, and Barren County Schools Summer Camp to reach a total of 143 students. The SNAP-Ed Program assistant utilized multiple curriculums to reach each specific audience including Organwise Guys, Teen Cuisine, LEAP, and Grow it, Try it, Like it.
The Nutrition Education Program Assistant utilized the Teen Cuisine Curriculum for a hands-on approach to learning about nutritious food options, food safety, and kitchen skills at The Boys and Girls Club of Glasgow. The given evaluations provided feedback that 57% of these participants showed improvement in washing hands before eating or touching foods, 43% showed an improvement in their frequency of drinking soda or pop, and 43% of children improved their response in the frequency of reading nutrition facts labels.
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