Success StoryPopping up with Success
Popping up with Success
Author: Heather Shaw
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The COVID-19 pandemic brought challenges as extension was no longer able to conduct programming in the school in Metcalfe County. Child poverty is prevalent in this rural county, with 37% of children considered to be living in poverty according to Also, almost a quarter of all children there are living in food insecure households. The SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program) Education Assistant did not want to lose connection with students here, so she took this as an opportunity to create a new avenue of programming.
The SNAP Educator contacted the 4th grade teachers at the elementary school to see if there was any interest in conducting virtual programming. Indeed, the teachers were in agreeance that nutrition education remained as important as ever with their students and agreed to work to help facilitate virtual lessons. The NEP (Nutrition Education Program) released updated virtual curriculum for Professor Popcorn that the SNAP Educator used. Lessons covered food safety, learning what the food groups are and how to make healthier choices, as well as physical activity components. The SNAP Educator met 6 times virtually with the 4th grade students who attended school in person. At the end of the lessons, the students did show gains in several areas. Evaluations showed an improvement in food safety, with exit data reports showing students were 30% more likely to wash a fruit or vegetable before eating. Students had an 80% improvement in their ability to choose healthy foods according to federal dietary guidelines. Also, 70% of the kids reported decreased hours of screen time. These classes are still effective, even being virtual. One 4th grade teacher who helped said, “We’re just so glad to get to do this with you, the kids really seemed to enjoy it, even if you couldn’t be there in person.”
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