Success StoryRibbons for life!
Ribbons for life!
Author: Kendal Bowman
Planning Unit: Owen County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Market, technology,horticulture,livestock, wildlife ,management Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Growing up out in the country sports wasn’t much of an option for me. There was to much work to do on the farm. I remember seeing my friends with their ribbons and trophies and wanted one so bad. Fast forward a few years I became involved in 4H and found my place, the place where I belonged. I finally was able to use my life skills and get recognized for my hard work. I remember oh how I loved our county fair, I would load the pickup truck down with all my projects to show my little town all that I did. I may not have made the newspaper for winning a basketball game but during fair week you probably seen me in there with all my ribbons. As life has gone on I have became a local Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent with the University of Kentucky. One of my biggest accomplishments is helping our county fair grow. I have been working with a local farm family and have seen them excel in their operation. This year I encouraged them to enter items in the county fair. Their son just became 4H age and took home 13 ribbons, had the 4H champion Horticulture design, and was the best in county 4H exhibit. Seeing the joy and excitement reminded me of how I must have felt receiving my first ribbon! Their main exhibit this year was a upcycling project to raise fresh food for their family and community. From the Cooperative Extension efforts of working with this multigeneration family, I believe the Agents in Owen County have got them a new lifelong 4H member making sustainable choices for his family and community! Following the Kentucky State Fair the Owen County Ag Agent meet with the family to start planning out projects for next years fair!
Stories by Kendal Bowman
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Stories by Owen County CES

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